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Get Lifetime Free Axis Neo RuPay Credit Card [Read Inside]

Finance Mentor

Trick to get Axis

Lifetime Free Neo RuPay Credit Card:

This info is shared by one netizen on another forum -

Edit - I asked the person who shared this info to create a Desidime account. He told me to mention him as S S V


Call CC and ask them to send NEO Rupay card offer SMS to your mobile..
In this SMS you will find whether you have LTF offer or it is a chargeable offer…

When I called them they could not see any LTF offer for me in their system, but when he sent the SMS I could see that it’s in fact LTF and I gave the consent by giving the OTP on that offer link…

This could be useful for someone to have an axis LTF cc without applying for it

SMS will look like below:


We are not SEBI/IRDA registered. The information provided herein is for education purposes only. We will not be responsible for any of your profit/loss with this channel's suggestions. Consult your financial advisor before making any decisions.
Top Comments
Heart of Gold Heart of Gold
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@quantum Yes, credits to SSV (Panda) From Technofino. My buddy.
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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@tappukepapa Yes .. Its me.. I am here now..
Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Thank you @abhishek012 and SSV

got the card

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Excellent .. Enjoy the card ..
Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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The offer is also visible in Axis Mobile app. Just go to credit card section. If not visible, go back and again revisit CC page. You might get other cards too along with this Neo Rupay there. I had Axis Privilege CC listed there as well.


For Privilege old card was to be closed after 45 days.



For Neo Rupay, existing card (Myzone in my case) would work post upgrade to Neo Rupay. Check for that message.



No call, No OTP. Just took the app login pin, and card was generated instantly. 

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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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This neo rupay is not supported for emi on flipkart yet

Wishlist Champion Wishlist Champion
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Card saved/tokenised?
Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Best is hdfc money-back

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@abhishek012  @kartikxxx 

going to apply for sbi simplysave rupay credit card via branch C2C basis card is 2yr old and limit 124K cibil is 785 

Will sbi approve my application? And on the basis of this simplysave can I get cashback after how many days??? 

Because online not able to apply

Finance Mentor Finance Mentor
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First apply SBI Cashback credit card through online.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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Neo Rupay and MZ Rupay are now being shown as upgrades available for FK Axis Visa CC in the app. I don't want to let go of FK. It would have been better if the upgrades were shown in case of the other CC, MZ Visa which is now quite useless. 

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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@abhishek012 When Axis App says upgrade, do they cancel the existing card and issue new.. or just issue new keeping the existing active?

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Crusader Crusader
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Paid electricity bill payment using Neo rupay card 2 days ago..

Merchant name showed as AMAZON UTILITIES  in OTP message, debit message and in axis app also..

But today after the transaction is settled.. merchant name is showing as OTHER DEBITS..

So will i get the activation cashback? @abhishek012

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Don't worry, you'll get it.

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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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1 recieved 300rs cashback on doing cylinder booking after 2 days of trnx.

Post Emperor Post Emperor
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Will it be issued virtually too ?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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only for existing or new customer ?

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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