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Weight Loosing Tips

Deal Cadet
Hey i was planning to loose some weight. I can't work out for 2-3 hrs a day. I can cut on diet. Want to loose upto 20 Kgs in next 5-6 months. If anyone knows some simple tips to follow to loose weight and can help me, it would be really gratefull. Actually i recently(last 1 year) put on a lot of weight due to the problem of thyroid but now the problem is simply under control and so now its time to loose weight.
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Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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In morning take lemon with coffee mix in warm water and then amla juice or apple cider with honey after 1 hour in breakfast oats in lunch have some fruits or 2 roti with Dal with veggies and in dinner salad . In whole day drink around 4 to 5 liter water in starting it’s heavy but after that your body adjusted try this 1 month it’s a no carbs diets and see result

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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liked it personally….but bro thoda jyaada nhi yeh?

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Perfectionist Perfectionist
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@vasu sethi

(1) Loose is not the same as lose. See:

(2) Just remember that when it comes to losing weight, the role of nutrition is 70-80% and the role of exercise is only 20-30%. Losing 20-30 Kg in 5-6 months is a reasonable and attainable goal (assuming you are of average build and still in your twenties or younger).

(3) To lose weight, you need to consume less calories than the calories you burn. Don’t consume less than 1200 calories per day but you would have to maintain a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. Look up BMR on Google.

(4) Don’t want to add more details at this point. I am sure you will find tons of info via a Google search. All the best.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Any app to count indian foods calories.that ll be very helpfull .

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Flame Flame
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Any tips to increase weight!?☺☺😊

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Junk Food ! after few years, you will be creating same thread.
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Shopping Friend Shopping Friend
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I’m surprised OP has not shared his weight, height and age in a weight loss thread. As someone who has tried weight loss for some special occasions( Marriage) i can give you some tips.

1. Watch your calories : Concept of weight loss is rather simple. As @DealSeeker rightly said,you should consume less calories than the calories you burn. There are lots of websites out there that talks about calorie contents of various food. You would be surprised to know that a single aloo paratta can have as much as 300 calories. Try to include lots of green leafy vegetable in your diet. There are lot people out there who say fat is bad but it’s not true. Carbs and sugar are the biggest causes of obesity in India.Butter, Eggs, Paneer, chicken etc are good source of fat. Even nuts such as Almonds are rich in protein and is full of good fat. If you like fish, try to include some good marine fish such as Tuna, Sardines in your diet.

2. Sugar : If there is one thing you need to stay away the most, it is Sugar. Try to avoid it as much as possible. Artificial sweetners are a strict no no for someone looking to shed a few kilos.

3. Exercise : Unless you have some specific medical conditions that stops you from exercising, You should start exercising ASAP. Although walking helps but it would be a painfully slow process to reduce weight by walking. My favorite exercise regime to reduce weight quickly is high-intensity-interval-training or commonly referred as HIIT. Swimming is another great exercise to loose weight quickly. If you want to build some strength along the way, weight lifting is an excellent option.If you are not able to take time out for exercising, try to make some lifestyle changes such as walking to supermarket instead of riding a bike. Taking steps instead of using an elevator etc etc.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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That calorie thing is a myth! "Eat less, move more " won’t work in the long run.

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Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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Don’t use any WEIGHT LOOSING PILLS if you might be planning to take.
Loosing weight is simple.
*Don’t cut out Diet because after loosing weight again you will start to eat like bhookhad ,which will indirectly increase weight at tha time.
*You must decrease FAT substance in you diet SLOWLY, Use PUFA & MUFA containg foods, oils.
*Start Pushup, squating & moring run or you can go to GYM professional & have a better talk wih him.
*Eat foods before 3-4 hours of sleep.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Kya baat h ladke means good one bro

Analyst Analyst
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What pushes me to watch my nutrition and remain active is the desire to perform my work efficiently and intelligently.

This. This is why I wish to try. Sometimes when I workout (home; cardio exercise as it required no equipment; watching YouTube videos) I feel the opposite – exhausted and tired and that reflected in my work.

Perhaps because I am not used to it at all. So I go on / off.

You see, one under-appreciated yet the most valuable benefit of staying fit and healthy is mental fitness.

If by mental fitness, you mean the mind / brain must be in the right place, I may be doing good here. I do yoga / meditation and hacked my way into the journey of mindfulness and consciousness and lots of bullshit.

Perhaps that’s why I never believed in “being physically fit” because I could say my mind that I am fit already and get things done. If I think about it, the only time I trekked, I beat others quite effortlessly. It was couple of years ago though. In reality, I have no proof or experience of my own physical fitness.

Just that I am around 80 KG and perhaps 6ish or so. Still I got no abs to show. (Well, that’s rhyming pretty well).

Oh and you don’t need to join a gym for fitness. Calisthenics (or bodyweight exercises at home) are more than enough to be fit and even build muscles up to a point. Gyms are really useful for enabling the usage of heavy weights to build volume (or big muscles).

Thank you! Just looked up Calisthenics. I do have dumbbells at home. I will start with that. As I think of it, my biceps are missing. I can put my mind to it and go hardcore. I just don’t have a goddamn good reason to go there. To the gym. I need one.

Sometimes it seems like a fruitless pursuit. Sometimes, like now, it feels so much fun to see building yourself as the next macho guy! I will start with lifts starting today.

For the next 30 days. My promise.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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@vasu sethi

I guess almost all the required information has been covered by folks in this thread already. Being someone who always struggle to keep a control on weight and someone who tried various methods I have a few suggestions.

Do not consider a quick method for weight loss, most people fail eventually to maintain the weight. Consider this as a daily routine and inculcate a habit of working out each day. Eventually it should be a daily chore just like you brush your teeth.

Do not workout for more than 1 hour each day for a few months and if the results are satisfactory just stick to that schedule. Have a proper mix of cardio and strength training with proper variations in workouts so that your body doesnt get used to something. A workout for 6 days a week and a rest day is ideal or may be 5 days a week with 2 rest days. Your body needs time to regain/recover so ensure you have a rest day and also if possible, maintain 24 hours gap between each workout. Do not workout in the evening a day and on the morning the very next day, you will feel very tired this way and your body might not have recovered fully from previous day’s workout.

Diet forms a very prominent role too! Ensure you get some professional help here. Yes, many people have suggestions as to what to eat and what not to eat but to know what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat you need to get some professional help. You need to have a proper balance of nutrients, fibre, protein, good fat etc. As most people suggest it’s a split of 80% through maintaining proper diet and 20% with workouts but apart from helping you to kick out calories directly, workout helps you to pump up the BMR and helps you stay fit which is very essential with the current lifestyle we lead.

Cut down sugars, I repeat, cut down sugars!! One of the major source of carbs which is very bad for health. When you eat something don’t worry if the food is low in fat or not but rather worry about the food being low in carbs! You will struggle for the first few days when you cut down sugar with symptoms such as restlessness, short temper, feeling weak etc but fight it out and you will feel great eventually. Apart from that sugars are know to cause an addiction just like drugs to, in fact I have read articles stating sugars activate the exact same parts of the brain that drugs to in giving pleasure to the person consuming it.

Track each and everything you eat. It takes hardly 5 to 10 minutes to track the entire food you consume each day and it’s worth it. You will get to know the composition of food you eat and that matters a lot. I use healthifyme app and that’s the best I found till date for Indian cuisines. Once you track your food it’s easy for your nutritionist to suggest changes and for you to make minor changes too.

Have plenty of water. Around 2.5 litres per day may be to start with and then up to 3 litres or more.

It’s all about creating a deficit in the number of calories consumed but at the same time do not starve. Make sure you get enough energy to keep your metabolic rate up, if your body feels that you are being too deprived of calories it will start decreasing your metabolic rate hence consuming lesser calories to function. Do some good workouts to push your metabolic rate high. HIIT and resistance workouts are great but it’s not easy to do them, you need at least one or two months of toning up your body well before you get into it.

You can calculate your metabolic rate (BMR) by using this

For men: 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age (years) + 5
For women: 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age (years) – 161

Once you get your BMR, try to maintain a diet that has a deficit of around 200 to 250 calories each day and the diet part is taken care of. Any extra calories deficit should come from your workouts by burning calories.

Remember that each kg fat loss means burning 7700 calories. So calculate for yourself how much you want to workout each day. To be safe start off with aiming at around 2 kgs per 4 weeks so it’s 15400 calories for 4 weeks. Assuming 6 workout days per week you need to kick out around 640 calories per day so have a split up of around 440 calories by workout and around 200 calories by creating a deficit in diet.

I suggest you to give the premium plans on HealthifyMe a try. I have been using their service for around 1.5 months now and I am completely happy with it. Apart from the timely help from the nutrition and fitness coach along with personal diet plan and workout plans I get lots of motivation from the private groups each coach has.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Thanks bro for sparing so much of time for writing a valuable opinion. Surely sticking to this plan. Highly Satisfied

Benevolent Benevolent
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@vasu sethi glad to be of help. Edited my comment and added more info, do go through in case you find time

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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