Why is one cricketer singled out for yesterday's match?

Deal Hunter

The abuses on social media platforms against sami is sickening.

These abuses are under shami’s instagram.
Also seen pakistani cricket fans cheering and wearing Indian jerseys + signs cheering kohli/dhoni but one old man from India writting “well played” is now getting labelled as anti national and calls for firing him from his job??
And another teen is now labelled as terrorist.
Some random kashmiri students were hospitalized bcz of loss.
This is even worse then the football match violence in UK.
The victims there were punched but not enough to get fractures and stiches or fired from jobs or labelled them as traitors/terrorists.

Also no action against such fascists unlike our neighbour Bangladesh, where the govt and majority came out heavily against their local fascist group.
Even Pakistan is getting better, the govt not only jails the culprits who damaged temples but uses their money to repair the damages. Good to see them getting better then what they were under that shit like musharaf but sad to see we’re getting reversed to terrifying times.

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Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Nothing, just few people from our society making Jinnah proud because he said: “Muslims, who chose India over Pakistan, will spend their entire lives proving their loyalty with the country”.

Entire team is facing criticism but at least their patriotism isn’t at stake.

Post Tycoon Post Tycoon
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Loyalty doesn’t prove by bursting cracker on victory of Pakistan against India

Peaceful people

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Sachin Tendulkar & Team Were Labelled Traitors After 2007 World Cup
Source: https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/after-2007-worl...

In sports, fans tend to do such silly things.

Pro Community Angel Pro Community Angel
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@rini50 Removed images from ur post as it contains abusive content. Avoid posting such in open

Generous Generous
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These are the same people who were celebrating in advance since days before the match.

These are the same people who lynch others because of their religion and food choices.

These are the same people who abuse others on social media day and night.

These are the same people who are now trolling the team as if winning every match in sports is a birth right (let alone the impossibility).

So what if they single out Shami for his religion and say all those nasty things? Did you expect any less from these degenerate bigots? It was expected.

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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No, but they should just openly write that there are 2 laws for the local “us and them” group.

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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When social media is filled with mindless puppies of a political party (+ attention seekers for self gain) who target, abuse n differentiate people on basis of religion.. isn’t it the obvious thing to expect? // These aren’t cricket fans.. just the infiltrators posing as cricket fans //
It could’ve been Kohli too but sadly for this traitor gang, he (+ pant) performed and everyone else failed.

I mean.. what exactly is the difference between these anti-nationals/traitors who go against their own country men because of their blind bias VS those who fire crackers when we lost a cricket match against the neighboring country because of similar bias (If* .. may of the videos posted online seem to be old n not from india*)?

What makes me sad is none of the active players made a single comment against this religious discrimination ( May be they fear the BCCI bosses or getting dropped ). I agree, cricket is a gentleman’s game and one shouldn’t get distracted by external factors but providing some support to their own team mate (where he is getting targeted) is the least thing they could do. At least the captain kohli should’ve said something but then we haven’t seen an aggressive captain after Sourav (off-field) who ended up getting sacked as a captain/player indefinitely because of the controversial press conference on greg chappell

I’m at least glad that sehwag did it.. he was fearless as a opener and he still is

// The online attack on Mohammad Shami is shocking and we stand by him. He is a champion and Anyone who wears the India cap has India in their hearts far more than any online mob. With you Shami. Agle match mein dikado jalwa.
- Virender Sehwag //

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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Both parties played well but fascist goons will find any openings to do their shit.
The only time I’ve seen a sports team played the worst ever was brazil/Neymar team in a world cup match.
That was just… Unbelievable.
Even then the abuses and violence is not the level as ours and they were more in emotional rant to saracasm and comedy sides on their social media platforms and media (yes, I was following them with subtitles).

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