The Mi Smart Speaker is now launched in India with some spellbinding features and specs. This launch is followed by the recent launch of 4th Gen Amazon Echo speakers. It’s design includes a circular light ring which will remind you of the Echo series speakers. It comes with 2 far field mics, DTS audio, Google Assistant, and a 12W powerful speaker. This latest Mi speaker is priced at Rs 3,499 which makes it ready for a competitive fight.
Mi Smart Speaker Key Specifications
The Mi Smart Speaker weighs 853 grams with dimensions of 131x104x151(mm). On the top of the speaker is the light ring(16M light colours). This device comes with a 12V power adapter in the box.
Mi Smart Speaker Key Specifications |
Audio Technology |
DTS Professional Tuned Sound |
Control Panel |
Touch Sensitive Buttons |
Microphones |
2 Far-Field Mics |
Speaker |
2.5 inch 12W Speaker with 63.5 mm Sound Driver |
Connectivity |
Wifi | Bluetooth |
Voice Control |
Google Assistant |
Mi Smart Speaker Price in India
The Mi Smart Speaker costs 1k lower than the Amazon Echo Dot(4th Gen). Moreover, you will get a 1 Year Gaana Plus subscription(Rs 999) for free. It will be interesting to see how these newly launched speakers compete with each other.
Gadget Name |
Price |
Mi Smart Speaker |
Rs 3,499 |
Mi Smart Speaker Key Features
The Mi smart speaker is loaded with many spectacular features. Let's have a look at the top 10.
- It uses a Texas Instruments TAS5805M Sound Processor which gives you distortion-free high quality sound.
- The Advanced Multi-Band Dynamic Response Control Algorithms enable this speaker to deliver HIFI(high fidelity) Sound.
- The powerful 63.5 mm Sound Driver allows the speaker to cover a wide area in the room.
- You get clear pitch and dynamic bass with DTS Professional Tuned Sound.
- The 2 Far Field Mics can capture your voice even from long distances. Moreover, they use accurate voice recognition systems for user friendliness.
- The control panel has 4 Touch Buttons namely volume up, volume down, play, and mic-off. The mic-off button helps protect your privacy.
- This Mi Smart Speaker includes in-built Google Chromecast and Google Assistant(Hindi and English) so that you can stream to TV and get work done hands-free.
- It is designed with a 0.7 mm Metal Mesh to deliver powerful & elegant sound and also gives it a new age look & feel.
- This tiny dynamite has 10531 Speaker Holes in its circular body which gives you even sound in all directions.
- Mi says that if you connect 2 Mi smart speakers with your smart TV then you will get a Stereo like audio experience.
Mi Smart Speaker Launch Date in India
The Mi smart speaker is launched in India, but will go on sale from a few days later.
Gadget Name |
Launch Date |
Mi Smart Speaker |
29th September 2020 | On Sale from 1st October 2020 |
What all can I do with the Mi Smart Speaker?
Well, the Mi smart speaker can assist you in many ways plus relax you by streaming your favourite tracks. You can voice control it for information on the web, alarms, reminders, operating smart devices(AC, TV, Lights, Mobiles, etc), and much more. Just use “Ok Google” before your command and Mi smart speaker will serve you appropriately in no time. For instance, you can say “Ok Google, how’s the traffic now” and this gadget will let you know the current traffic situation in your area. There are many ways to explore this gadget so get ready to get things done hands-free
Leave Google assistant and Alexa . This speaker is not going to compete with Amazon.