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Top 10 detox foods

10 cleansing foods to get your body back on track

Recently overindulged? Feeling a bit sluggish? Or just not looking your best? It could be that your body is in need of a detox. Fortunately, there are many foods around that can help counteract the effects of a toxic lifestyle. Whether you want to lose weight, feel more energised, improve your complexion or boost your mood, check out these top 10 foods to cleanse your body and boost your health.

Lemon: Lemons are a staple of many detox diets, and there is good reason for this. Firstly, lemons are packed with antioxidant vitamin C, which is great for the skin and for fighting disease-forming free-radicals. Furthermore, the citrus fruit has an alkaline effect on the body, meaning that it can help restore the body’s pH balance, benefitting the immune system. Try starting your day with hot water and a slice of lemon to help flush out toxins and cleanse your system.

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this guy survived accidental fall in tundra—minus 40 degrees without any protection, c hw human body reacts to cold……d/

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rajdesidime wrote:

this guy survived accidental fall in tundra—minus 40 degrees without any protection, c hw human body reacts to cold……d/

25 min. film,, hope to see good,

PS needs some concentration.

good for the knowledge.

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Kidney’s are damaged if the water used for drinking is not treated properly particularly in industrial towns,
Is the main reason is lead ?

Analyst Analyst
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:@

Kidney’s are damaged if the water used for drinking is not treated properly particularly in industrial towns,
Is the main reason is lead ?

ya lead can be one factor…either directly or indirectly by increasing Blood pressure…

Analyst Analyst
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I’m heavy coffee drinker & i prefer vry strong/bitter cofee…
Bt i feel sleepy after it & cofee/tea never wrkd for me during exam times….
Most of my mates would feel fresh & energetic after coffee..
…Few days back i searchd for possible reasons & found this…

Why does caffeine make me sleepy?

Coffee is traditionally thought of as a pick-me-up, but many people find that it can actually make them feel tired. Caffeine seems to effect people in different ways, but overall there are 3 main reasons this happens.

1 – It messes with your adrenal glands

Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenalin, the ‘flight or fight’ hormone that prepares the body to react to a threat. It increases your heart and breathing rates, dilates the pupils and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ideally this adrenalin release happens only very occasionally during times of great physical stress. However, when we consume excessive amounts of caffeine we promote a sustained adrenalin response, which exhausts the adrenal glands. As a result, these glands are unable to produce even the small amounts of adrenalin required to help us maintain focus and concentration, which in turn creates feelings of physical fatigue and malaise.

2 – It messes with your insulin

A secondary effect of caffeine consumption is that it can dampen the sensitivity of insulin. This hormone is involved in detecting sugar in the bloodstream and ensuring its uptake for energy production. If insulin is not working properly, we have less sugar available for energy and will feel tired.

3 – It messes up your sleep

Finally, caffeine consumption – especially at night – can reduce the amount of slow-wave sleep we get, which we need to be properly rested and rejuvenated. A consistent lack of this deep sleep will definitely contribute to feelings of fatigue. A combination of some or all of these three physical effects of caffeine on the body can give you a recipe for fatigue..
Analyst Analyst
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:@

Teen who ate almost nothing but ramen noodles for 13 years has health of 80-year-old

Learn more:…

lol…isko toh noodlemania hoo gya..
show it to Venkat…he too big fan of noodles..

Analyst Analyst
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:@

Ridiculous McDonald’s nutritionist claims chain’s fast food is healthy

Learn more:…

wat else to expect frm them….MacD US— Burger meal— $1 to $5

1 pound apples— 3-4$

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@B@R_0_0_D wrote:@





9.Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10.Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

Abundantly available here.

Deal Hunter Deal Hunter
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Good Job done Barood bhai

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