Didn't received cashback for SmartBuy transaction

Super Stud
Recently I upgraded from HDFC Business Moneyback credit card to Biz Grow CC, on MB card I use to get 5% cashback on 3rd day after SmartBuy transaction but didn't received this time on using Biz Grow card, can anyone using Biz Grow card share their experience? 
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समटाइम्स, इट्स टेक्स टाइम्स ब्रो, वेट फोर एटलेस्ट सेवन वर्किंग डेज, आफ्टर डेट यू कैन रैज दिस इश्यू विद कस्टमर केयर वाय एनी मींस लाइक ट्विटर ओर ईमेल

Super Stud Super Stud
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Thanks bro! more than 20 days passed, I raised complaint at [email protected] they revert "For security reasons, we would be unable to confirm the details through e-mail"  That's why before escalating this issue was seeking experienced comment from users who are using this card.

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