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Top 10 detox foods

10 cleansing foods to get your body back on track

Recently overindulged? Feeling a bit sluggish? Or just not looking your best? It could be that your body is in need of a detox. Fortunately, there are many foods around that can help counteract the effects of a toxic lifestyle. Whether you want to lose weight, feel more energised, improve your complexion or boost your mood, check out these top 10 foods to cleanse your body and boost your health.

Lemon: Lemons are a staple of many detox diets, and there is good reason for this. Firstly, lemons are packed with antioxidant vitamin C, which is great for the skin and for fighting disease-forming free-radicals. Furthermore, the citrus fruit has an alkaline effect on the body, meaning that it can help restore the body’s pH balance, benefitting the immune system. Try starting your day with hot water and a slice of lemon to help flush out toxins and cleanse your system.

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Carrots really CAN help your eyes:

Pigment that gives the vegetable its colour can slow age-related vision loss

Your parents and teachers were right – carrots really can help your eyesight.

Pigments called carotenoids – which give vegetables like carrots, peppers and spinach their colours – can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), researchers have found.
The condition is one of the most common causes of vision loss in older people – and is also on the rise.

A recent study published in Lancet Global Health estimated there will be 196 million sufferers by 2020 and 288 million by 2040.

The Harvard University-led study used data from a population survey that tracked more than 100,000 over-50s over a period of 25 years.
It found that those who consumed the highest levels of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin had a 40 per cent lower risk of developing the advanced form of the condition than those who ate the least.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in high concentrations in the macula of the eye, where they are known as the macular pigment.

The macular pigment protects the macula by interacting with free radicals to prevent cell damage and by filtering out damaging blue light.
Good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are dark leafy vegetables and eggs.

The study also found those who consumed the highest levels of some of the other forms of carotenoids – alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin – had a 25 per cent to 35 per cent lower risk of advanced AMD.

Carrots and sweet potato are sources of alpha and beta-carotene, while beta-cryptoxanthin is found in fruits like oranges and peaches.
The researchers did not find any link between carotenoids and the intermediate form of AMD, however.

‘This study suggests that carotenoids may slow worsening of AMD once it occurs,’ the researchers concluded in the journal JAMA Opthalmology.
AMD, although painless, causes the loss of central vision, usually in both eyes.

According to experts at NHS Choices, the sight loss usually happens gradually over time, although it can sometimes be rapid.
With the condition, reading becomes difficult, colours appear less vibrant and people’s faces are difficult to recognise, they said.

There is currently no cure. However, AMD does not affect peripheral, or side, vision, which means it will not cause complete blindness.

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Tulsi or basil is a rich source of essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, and other vitamins. It also has anti-cancer properties. Basil used in home-made concoctions or in green tea, can improve digestion and provide immunity against the common cough and cold. A salad with tomatoes, basil and a dash of honey is a good option for a snack. This holy leaf can also be boiled with water and consumed.

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Green vegetables such as spinach, methi (fenugreek leaves), amaranth, gourds, broccoli, drumstick leaves, dill leaves etc. are good source of folic acid, iron, fibre and a range of vitamins and minerals. Dark green vegetables should feature more regularly in your diet – at least thrice a week, in the form of soups, salads, raita,subzi or chutneys. You can also chop them finely and add to the dough used to make rotis and parathas/ dosa/ idli. They can also be combined with pulses.

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Water is required to regulate the body temperature and to keep you hydrated. During monsoons, if you are down with fever, cough or cold you need to increase the intake of water to keep the kidneys well flushed and eliminate the toxins from the body. It is advisable to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day. Water boiled with jeera (cumin), saunf (fennel ) and ajwain (carom seeds) can be a natural remedy for general discomforts experienced with digestion such as bloating, gassiness, burping etc., During monsoons, in particular, water contamination is common, so take care and only drink boiled, filtered or bottled water.

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Amla and oranges are rich sources of vitamin C that help in building immunity, provide protection against coughs and colds and help in enhancing the absorption of Iron from the diet. Amla is a very versatile food and can be consumed in raw form, as Amla juice, Amla raita or as murabba (jam). Oranges can be eaten alone or in salads twice or thrice a week. Fresh Orange juice can be more refreshing than the processed orange juice since the latter is usually high on “hidden sugar” than nutrients! In general, it is better to choose more of foods in their natural state.

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Sweet potatoes are the richest sources of vitamin A amongst vegetable sources. They also contain folic acid and fibre. Sweet potatoes can be consumed once or twice a week either boiled or grilled and eaten as chaat (tangy snack) or with some ghee glazed on it to enhance the absorption of vitamin A (a fat-soluble vitamin that requires fat to facilitate absorption).

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Reasons you should have curd with every meal
Who doesn’t love curd? Be it with a yummy, steaming paratha or aschaas, curd is often quite a staple in most Indian households. But did you know this versatile dish has a number of health benefits too? Yes, here’s how curd helps you stay healthy.

Helps improve digestion
The nutrients present in curd are easily absorbed by your digestive system. Not only that, it also helps in absorbing nutrients from other food items that you have eaten. It can also be used along with spicy food, as curd cools down and neutralises the heat that these foods create. A Taiwanese study even found that curd is helpful in curing H. Pylori infections which is known t cause peptic ulcers. You may also like to read about these home remedies for peptic ulcers.

Healthy for your heart
In a day and age where more and more young people are falling prey to heart disease, consuming curd can go a long way in maintaining a healthy heart. It minimizes the risk of high blood pressure and helps reduce cholesterol levels by preventing the thickening of carotid arteries.
Great for those who are lactose intolerant
Some people, who cannot consume milk because they are lactose intolerant, can safely consume curd. It converts the lactose present in milk to lactic acid, making it easier to digest. Also, you do not lose out on the nutritional boost that milk provides.

Helps boost immunity
Curd has ‘good bacteria’ present in it which strengthens your immune system by fighting against several microorganisms that are present in the body. It is also useful in preventing vaginal yeast infections in women. These properties of curd do not diminish even when it is heated along with curry preparations to add flavour.
Good for your teeth and bones
All dairy products are good for your bones, and curd is no different. Like milk, curd has a high amount of phosphorous and calcium. This makes it beneficial for your teeth and bones as it helps promote bone growth and makes your teeth stronger. Taking care of your bones is essential if you want to avoid painful diseases like osteoporosis andarthritis in the future.
Can be used as a skincare product
Nutrients like zinc, Vitamin E and phosphorus make curd a natural skincare product and it is often used as an ingredient in homemade packs. A simple mixture of curd, gram flour and lime juice can be made at home to give you an attractive and glowing face.

Helps get rid of dandruff
Many advertisements claim to have found the magical chemical formula for curing dandruff. But, curd can be a simple homemade solution. Why is it good to get rid of dandruff? It has lactic acid which has anti-fungal properties. What more? You don’t even have to add other ingredients to it. Just whip some curd in a bowl, and add it to your scalp. Leave it for an hour, and wash properly with water. You may also like to read about this home remedies for dandruff.

Helps you lose weight
Whenever nutritionists make a diet plan, the first thing they include is curd. The calcium present in it prevents your body from pumping more cortisol. Hormonal imbalance of cortisol is responsible for a host of problems like hypertension, obesity and cholesterol. you may also like to read about these foods that promise weight loss.

Helps release stress and anxiety
Being stressed can wreck your health. Finding ways to relax and rejuvenate is imperative in today’s world. Along with other things, eating some curd can surely help. According to a study conducted by UCLA’s School of Medicine, eating curd was linked to lower levels of activity in the part of brain responsible for emotion and pain. Here are some natural remedies for stress.
All these health benefits make curd a superb food item that you and your family should consume on a daily basis.

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Sweet corn is rich in fibre, vitamin B12 and proteins. You can have it boiled or roasted with lemon and chat masala. Corn can be included in salads, soups, sandwiches and other dishes. Corn takes some time to digest, so moderate the amount of corn you have in each serving.

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The Many Benefits of Olive Leaves

The olive leaf has been a sign of peace and prosperity for many generations. In Genesis, a dove returns to Noah’s arc with a fresh olive leaf in its mouth pronouncing the end of the flood. Today the olive branch has become a symbol of peace and even appears on the flag of the United Nations.

We have heard plenty of the health benefits of olive oil, but very little of the health benefits of olive leaves. Recent research shows that the extract made from olive leaves can cure and protect from various diseases and symptoms.


It all begins with Pythochemicals (“plant chemicals”) whose main purpose is to protect the plant from parasites and maladies. By consuming the plants, our bodies absorb the paythochemicals that protect us from the same hazards. One of those pythochemicals is called Oleuropein, which can be found in olive leaves.

​​Here are 10 health benefits of olive leaves:

1. They help prevent or slow down the development of cancer:
Findings from a study conducted in 2010-2011 show that the active ingredient in olive leaves can slow down the development of cancer cells in women who suffer from breast cancer, as well as slow down the development of Melanoma in cells that were taken from mice.

2. They encourage bone formation
In a study conducted in Spain in 2011, researchers discovered that the Oleuropein found in olive oils encourages the production of osteroblasts – large cells responsible for the development of the bone – which prevent osteoporosis and a decrease in bone mass.

3. They fight against bacterial and viral infections
Oleuropein is especially useful in fighting against micro-organisms such as viruses and bacteria. It transforms into elenolic acid in the body, which stops the reproduction of amino acids in viruses and bacteria, thus preventing them from replicating and spreading.

4. They prevent aging
Free radicals can damage the skin by disrupting the process of DNA formation. Olive leaves are rich in phenols, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and help revitalize our skin.

5. They reduce inflammation
Oleuropein’s ability to fight against germs can cure infections and relieve inflammation.

6. The​y​ lower blood pressure
Researchers found that oleuropein can also improve blood circulation and prevent blood clotting. Olive leaves can also balance your blood sugar levels by improving the activity of liver insulin receptors.

7. They Fight against cholesterol
Olive leaves are also known for their ability to stop the formation of LDL (“bad cholesterol”) by preventing oxidation.

8. They Reinforce the immune system
The phytochemicals found in olive leaves support the activity of Vitamin C, which is essential to our immune system.

​​9. They cure infections
As part of its antiviral activity, olive leaf extract can also cure viral infections such as herpes and influenza.

10. And the list goes on and on…
Since olive leaves have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, they can also help in cases of malaria, allergies, psoriasis, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and more.

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Informative thread.

My wife always keeps advising me because of my food habit. I tend to eat a lot of Non-veg food. I don’t know why but most of the Indian families i have met seems to think that having non-veg frequently is not good for your health. is there any scientific/clinical reasons for their apprehension against non-veg food?

While in most foreign countries, people consume meat pretty much everyday and seem to be healthy for most part. I wonder if the apprehension has to do with the quality of meat that is sold in India.

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@cybertechie wrote:


Informative thread.

that having non-veg frequently is not good for your health. is there any scientific/clinical reasons for their apprehension against non-veg food?

While in most foreign countries, people consume meat pretty much everyday and seem to be healthy for most part. I wonder if the apprehension has to do with the quality of meat that is sold in India.

I left non veg 6 years ago, the above seems true if metabolism is not high.

Some says , human body is not fit for consumption of meat only plants, to taken. Vegan and jain go further steps. People used to eat meat since ancient times. Hence, no conclusion.

We cant compare with western or gulf countries due to climate change. However, digestion of animal protein takes more time than plant protein.

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That is interesting! luckily i have fast metabolism.

I do feel like i should give up meat but then, it would be quite difficult to meet my protein requirement with Veg food only. I find it hard to eat some vegetarian foods especially veg curries and subji’s. It is much tasty and easy to throw in some boiled broccoli or lettuce with a grilled chicken instead of having an all veg meals full of subji and curry.

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The Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

The pomegranate is actually a berry, and each fruit contains between 200 and 1400 seeds. The pulp that covers the seeds is what we generally eat and drink, and it is very healthy!

Nutritional Value of Pomegranate:

Pomegranates are rich in ellagic acid, an antioxidant, and punicic acid, an Omega 5 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is beneficial for cell regeneration. The juice is a great source of vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium and more.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice:

The fruit contains many nutrients, such as quercetin, which helps protect the body from diabetes, cancer and heart diseases.

Cardiovascular Benefits:

Pomegranate juice helps to keep your heart healthy by assisting arterial elasticity and reducing blood-vessel inflammation. It also reduces atherosclerosis – a leading cause in heart diseases. Additionally, the juice helps in lowering the risk of arterial blockage, reduces LDL levels and increases HDL levels.

Maintains Blood Sugar Levels:

Despite containing fructose, pomegranate juice doesn’t elevate sugar levels in the blood. Research showed that diabetics who drank pomegranate juice for 2 weeks did not experience an increase in blood sugar levels.

Maintains Blood Pressure:

Pomegranate juice reduces lesions and inflammation in blood vessels, reducing high blood pressure. It also works as a natural aspirin, thinning the blood, thus improving blood flow in the body.

Protection from Cancer:

The antioxidants in the juice eliminate free radicals, thus inhibiting cancerous cell growth. Pomegranate juice is believed to induce apoptosis – a state where cancer cells destroy themselves. It’s considered highly beneficial in preventing prostate cancer, as well as block the hormone believed to be one of the main causes for breast cancer – aromatase.

Soothes the Stomach:

Pomegranate juice has been used to treat diarrhea and dysentery since ancient times. It increases the production of enzymes that assist in digestion. You can add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of pomegranate juice to treat indigestion.

Boosts Immunity:

The antioxidants in the juice stimulate white blood cells, boosting their efficiency. The juice has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, helping to reduce mouth bacteria that causes cavities and staph infections.

Prevents Anemia:

Anemia is caused when your body is low on red blood cells. The high levels of iron in the juice helps the body produce more red blood cells. It is also considered a great remedy for red and sore eyes – simply put a few drops of the juice in your eyes.

Improves Digestion:

When it comes to the digestive system, pomegranates work wonders in aiding the stomach and liver. It also helps soothe urinary tract infections and eases the flow of urine. Rich in dietary fiber, it also helps regulate bowel movements.

Helps in Cartilage Regeneration:

Pomegranate juice is known to inhibit the enzymes that cause damage to cartilage, reducing future damage to the region. Unsweetened juice can relieve arthritis, and bone inflammation. A regular intake of juice is believed to curb the onset of Alzheimer’s and other neurological issues, as well as dissolve kidney stones and even help erectile dysfunction.

Anti-Aging Benefits:

A diet rich in pomegranate juice helps slow down ageing by reducing wrinkles and fine lines caused by exposure to the sun. It also helps to sustain the regeneration of the skin, preventing hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

Suited for All Skin Types:

The juice works wonders for dry skin, effectively penetrating the skin and moisturizing it. Punicic acid, an Omega 5 fatty acid in the juice, keeps the skin hydrated by locking in the moisture. The juice also helps reduce the production of sebum, preventing outbreaks of zits.

Helps to Heal Scars:

Pomegranate juice improves cell regeneration of the skin and can hasten the healing of wounds. The seeds themselves are also full of skin-beneficial nutrients, protecting against sunburns and healing sun-damage.

Improves the Texture of Skin:

A glass of pomegranate juice will give you fair and glowing skin. It will also prevent wrinkles by increasing the body’s production of collagen, which provides support and strength to the skin.

Good for Prenatal Care:

Pomegranate juice contains many vitamins and mineral, as well as folic acid, all of which are essential in a prenatal diet. The anti-inflammatory properties help improve blood flow for both the mother and the fetus. The potassium in the juice prevents muscle cramps associated with pregnancy and is even believed to prevent premature childbirth.

Pomegranate Face Mask for Glowing Skin:

Mix 1tsp of powdered green papaya, 1 tsp grapeseed oil, and 1 tsp grape seed extract with 2tsp of pomegranate juice, then apply to the face. Leave it on for an hour, then wash with warm water.

Prevents Skin Cancer:

The anthocyanins and tannins in pomegranate are powerful allies in the fight against skin tumors. Apply it directly to the skin and let the ellagic acid do what it does best – inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.

Prevents Hair Loss:

Pomegranate juice strengthens the hair follicles, preventing hair loss and giving you rich, healthy hair.


If you’re taking blood pressure medication, the pomegranate’s natural pressure-lowering abilities may result in dangerously low blood pressure.

Do not consume pomegranate juice if you have the flu, a cough or constipation, or if you’re suffering from a phlegmatic condition.

Similarly to grapefruits, pomegranates can interfere with some types of medication, especially statins (cholesterol medicine), antidepressants, AIDS medication and narcotic pain relief medication.

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Cholesterol is finally officially removed from Naughty List

The US government has finally accepted that cholesterol is not a ‘nutrient of concern’, doing a U-turn on their warnings

In the meantime of 40 years US Drug Industry in connivance with Health Department made over 1.5 trillion US Dollars by selling cholestrol lowering drugs. This fear probably caused death of a million gulliable citizen who believe the US drug industry. (My comment)

By Nikki Barr

Cholesterol has been on the “naughty” list of nutrients for nearly 40 years, with health officials warning us to stay away from high-cholesterol foods since the 1970s to avoid heart disease and clogged arteries.

“Full-fat dairy products and advocados are high in good fats.”

But US officials have finally given the green light for a U-turn on previous warnings, which means eggs, butter, full-fat dairy products, nuts, coconut oil and meat have now been classified as “safe” and have been officially removed from the “nutrients of concern” list.

The US Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for updating the guidelines every five years, stated in its findings for 2015: "Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 mg/day.

“The 2015 DGAC will not bring forward this recommendation because available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and serum (blood) cholesterol, consistent with the AHA/ACC (American Heart Association / American College of Cardiology) report.

“Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”

“Eggs are no longer on the ‘naughty list’. "

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee will, in response, no longer warn people against eating high-cholesterol foods and will instead focus on sugar as the main substance of dietary concern.

The 70s, 80s and 90s were the ‘non fat’ years, with the government warning people to limit the amount of high-cholersterol foods in their diets to avoid heart disease and strokes.

But nutritionists and scientists have long been campaigning for the U-turn, which started with introducing “good cholesterols” back into the ‘safe zone’.

US cardiologist Dr Steven Nissen said: “It’s the right decision. We got the dietary guidelines wrong. They’ve been wrong for decades.”

He esitmated that about 20 per cent of cholesterol levels in your blood come from your diet, which means the rest is produced by your liver and is actually needed by the body.

Dr Chris Masterjohn added:“Since we cannot possibly eat enough cholesterol to use for our bodies’ daily functions, our bodies make their own.

“When we eat more foods rich in this compound, our bodies make less. If we deprive ourselves of foods high in cholesterol – such as eggs, butter, and liver – our body revs up its cholesterol synthesis.”

“Nuts were previously thought to contain too much cholesterol.”

Sugar has now been identified as the “worst” food culprit for health problems, with GPs now focusing on weaning patients off the sweet stuff.

Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, who works with group Action On Sugar, says a clamp-down on the food industry is next.

He said: "It’s very clear that added sugar has absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever and, contrary to what the food industry want you to believe, the body doesn’t require any carbohydrate for energy from added sugar.

“And we know the food industry have been spiking our food with added sugars. We also know that carbohydrates and particularly refined carbohydrates – so carbohydrates that lack fibre, sugar being one of them – have the biggest impact on insulin in terms of surges of insulin in our body. And insulin is a fat storing hormone.” So, in summary, ditch your skinny latte for a full-fat latte and get some avocados down you.

: Surprises in Proposed New Dietary Guidelines –

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To re-use oil safely, use these tips:

Strain it through a few layers of cheesecloth to catch any food particles. Be careful with hot oil, though, because you can easily get burned.

Shake off excess batter from food before frying it.

Use a good thermometer to fry foods at 190°C.

Turn off the heat after you are done cooking. Exposing oil to prolonged heat accelerates rancidity.

Don’t mix different types of oil.

Store oil in a cool, dark place.

Avoid iron or copper pots or pans for frying oil that is to be reused. These metals also accelerate rancidity.

Signs of Deteriorated Oil:

Oil darkens with use because the oil and food molecules burn when subjected to high/prolonged heat.

The more you use an oil, the more slowly it will pour. Its viscosity changes because of changes to the oil’s molecular structure.

Loose absorbent particles accumulate as sediment at the bottom of the storage container or are suspended in the oil.

When smoke appears on the oils’ surface before the temperature reaches 190 degrees C (375 degrees F), your oil will no longer deep-fry effectively.

If the oil has a rancid or “off” smell or if it smells like the foods you’ve cooked in it, it should be discarded.

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Identify Treat Excessive Ear Wax

It is easy to view ear wax as an annoyance, but like most secretions, it has an important purpose. It’s a cleaning agent, produced by your ears to prevent them from drying out. It contains protective and anti-bacterial agents to help your ears stay healthy.

However, various factors can cause more wax than is needed to collect in the outer part of the ear canal and if it’s left unattended, it can cause pain and eventually require medical intervention. But don’t worry, help is at hand in the form of these effective remedies you can try at home!

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What is Ear Wax?

‘Wax’ is something of a misnomer for the body fluid that forms in your ear. It is actually a water-soluble mixture of various secretions mixed with hair and dead skin, formed in the outer part of the ear rather than the inner drum. Your ears are self-cleaning for the most part, and the secretions help move dead skin to the opening of the ear, aided by the jaw motion you use when you chew. Once out in the open, ‘wax’ will usually dry out and flake away naturally. However over time it can build up and cause other problems, sometimes aided by overproduction or a blockage within the ear canal.

What You Shouldn’t Do

Firstly, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that digging every last bit of wax out of your ear constantly is an indicator of good personal hygiene. Remember that ear wax has its uses and removing it excessively can cause your ear canal to dry out. However, if it accumulates in excess, it can cause discomfort and even pain. It is in these circumstances that you need to take action.

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The other big ‘NO’ is the use of homemade poking and scraping devices down your ear hole. Q-Tips, bobby pins, pencils and any other similar instruments are NOT suitable for cleaning your ears, no matter how many times you might have used them in the past. Although you may see remnants of wax on your Q-Tip after you have had a good rummage down your ear, you will more than likely have pushed other clumps further into your ear canal. Additionally, if you prod down too far then you could cause serious damage to the inner ear.

Signs You Need to Take Action

Since you don’t need to constantly clean the wax out of your ears, what are the signs that you have an excessive buildup that you need to deal with? Different ears produce different amounts of wax. It may be that you know from past experience that you are likely to have excess wax. There are a number of other signs that can indicate a problem too:

Strangely muffled hearing
Tinnitus or ringing noises in ear
Itchy ears
Odor and noticeable, moist discharge
An uncomfortable sensation of ‘fullness’ in the ear
You can buy ear drops and wax removal kits or visit your doctor, but the answer to your problems can als

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Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your pet; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it’s a stress buster. Think ‘move’ in small increments of time. It doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobicclass or tai chi or kickboxing. But that’s great when you’re up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!

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7 Easy Ways to Tame Excessive Gas

Excessive gas can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Here are seven easy treatments that can help.

There are a lot of ways to describe excessive gas: burping, belching, flatulence, and bloating. While what you call it might not seem to matter, being able to identify where gas starts – and where it ends – can help you treat painful or embarrassing symptoms.

For example, burping and belching usually refer to gas that escapes from the mouth, while flatulence, or farting, is intestinal gas that escapes from the rectum. Bloating is used to describe the sensation of excess stomach gas that has not yet been released.

Some gas after eating – and releasing it through belching or flatulence – is normal. According to theNational Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, most people produce as many as one to four pints of gas a day, which they pass, on average, about 14 times a day.

However, if you’re experiencing painful gas and the embarrassment of chronic and foul smelling flatulence, you can start to play detective and try to eliminate the cause.

Step 1: Avoid Foods Known to Cause Gas

One way to manage flatulence and belching is to eat fewer of the well-known gassy foods. Common culprits include: certain fruits, like apples and pears; vegetables including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and onions; whole grains such as bran; and dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream. These items contain fiber, sugars, and starches that don’t digest or absorb easily, eventually causing intestinal gas.

Foods containing sorbitol, a naturally occurring sugar found in fruit, are on some people’s gassy-foods list. Others are bothered by carbonated soft drinks and fruit drinks. If you discover that these foods are causing you excess gas, eliminate them from your diet or eat them in small portions. When it comes to foods to avoid, the key is to be like the Greeks, says Stephen Bickston, MD, professor of internal medicine and director of the inflammatory bowel disease program at Virginia Commonwealth University Health Center in Richmond. “Everything in moderation.”

Keep in mind that almost any food or combination of foods can cause gas. “Certain foods don’t get along together in certain people,” says Donald Novey, MD, an integrative medicine physician with Harrison Medical Center in Poulsbo, Washington. “Some people find they are gassy if they eat fruits with proteins, or if they eat starches and proteins together. It’s personal and requires a little experimentation to find out what the culprits are.” Dr. Novey suggests keeping a food diary and noting when you feel gassy. “If you find you’re gassy after eating a certain food, eliminate it from your diet and see if it helps," he says.

Cooking may help break down some of the offending ingredients, Bickston says. “But the style of cooking can also decrease healthy chemicals found in vegetables. Boiling seems to break down chlorophyll and other desirable ingredients.” Look for recipes that call for steaming as that seems to be a better cooking method for gassy foods.

Step 2: Try These Ways to Minimize Gas

Here are six steps you can take to cut down on painful gas:

Drink before meals. If you drink liquids with your meals, you lose stomach acids and can’t break down food as well, Novey says. Try drinking about 30 minutes before a meal to help your stomach digest better.
Eat and drink slowly. When you eat or drink fast, you can swallow a lot of air, which can cause gas, says Bickston. The simple solution? Slow down when you eat. If you have dentures, check with your dentist to be sure they fit properly so you’re not gasping air while eating.
Take over-the-counter digestive aids. Digestive enzymes are available as over-the-counter supplements. “I recommend going to the health-food store and getting a digestive enzyme,” says Novey. “You can take one or two. You will know very rapidly – within a few weeks if it makes a difference.” However, antacids won’t do much for excessive gas, says Bickston. Another over-the-counter digestive aid, Beano, contains an enzyme that can allow the body to digest the sugar in beans and many vegetables. Add five drops of the liquid form or swallow one Beano tablet per half-cup serving of food before eating. Heating degrades the enzyme in Beano, so adding it to foods while cooking reduces its effectiveness. Beano will not help if excessive gas is caused by fiber or lactose.

Try activated charcoal. Activated charcoal has been known to reduce and treat excess gas and bloating. Unlike the charcoal you find in your grill or fireplace, activated charcoal undergoes a special treatment that makes it safe for human consumption. Once you take activated charcoal (via liquid or pill), it attaches to fluid in your gut, reducing gas and bloating and creating firmer stools.

Don’t fill up on air. Habits like smoking, chewing gum, and drinking through a straw may cause your stomach to fill with air, leading to gas.

Avoid artificial sweeteners. Sorbitol and related sugar alcohols used in many sugar-free versions of foods can also aggravate gas. “Sorbitol is the first ingredient in every brand of sugar-free gum I’ve found at local grocery stores,” says Bickston. “One to two sticks is akin to eating a prune.” However, the sugar substitutes that are found at a typical coffee stand or in popular soft drinks are not the kind that cause gas. The various packet sweeteners – yellow (sucralose), pink (saccharine), and blue (aspartame) – are not associated with gas or laxative effects.
When Gas Is a Symptom of Something Else

If your excessive gas is persistent or severe, consult your doctor – it could be a sign of a more serious digestive condition, such as:

Lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and milk products. “I test with a milk challenge,” says Bickston. “The patient drinks a pint or two of milk – it can be any percent fat. What follows tells the patients whether they should limit their milk intake.” If avoiding milk reduces your symptoms you may be lactose intolerant.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). “Patients who meet the diagnostic checklist for irritable bowel syndrome suffer more pain at the lower levels of abdominal cavity,” he says.

Colon cancer. “Excess gas is rarely the presenting symptom for patients with colon cancer,” Bickston notes. “But it does trigger my reflex to remind patients to get screened for colorectal cancer.”
Upper gastrointestinal disorders. Occasional belching is normal, but frequent belching may be a sign of an upper gastrointestinal disorder. These include peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying.
Also, warns Bickston, if you have had abdominal surgery, a hernia, or significant weight loss or weight gain, never dismiss your gas-like symptoms as normal. Get them checked out.

As annoying as it might be, some gas is a natural by-product of the body’s digestive system. But if your gas is excessive, painful, or chronic, talk to your doctor about possible causes and remedies.

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