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(Discussion) Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes will no longer be legal tender, says PM Modi

Deal Lieutenant

8:32 pm: A new series of Rs. 500 currency notes and Rs. 2000 currency notes will be brought into circulation.

8:31 pm: Banks will be closed on November 9.

8:30 pm: There is no restrictions on internet banking, cash, demand draft transactions.

8:27 pm: Rs 10,000 daily cash withdrawal and Rs 20,000 weekly cash withdrawal limit

8:25 pm: There are, however, some exemptions. Government hospitals and international airports.

8:22 pm: The ATMs will not function till November 9, and in some places till November 10.

8:21 pm: People who possess Rs.500 or Rs. 1000 currency notes after December 30 can exchange it at Reserve Bank of India by providing a declaration. This is till March 31, 2017.

8:20 pm: These notes should be exchanged in banks and head post offices and sub post office within December 30, 2016, by providing a valid identity proof such as Aadhaar, PAN card or voter ID card.

8:15 pm: From midnight of November 8, 2016, Rs. 500 and Rs.1000 will cease to be legal tender. “These notes are just papers from tomorrow,” says the prime minister.

8:11 pm: Prime Minister says Rs. 500 and Rs.1000 are notes are mostly used in black money.

8:10 pm: Corruption, black money and terrorism can come in the way of a country’s robust economic growth, says the Prime Minister.

8:07 pm: He moves on from corruption to terrorism. He tells “terrorsists from across the border” are spreading counterfeit currency notes.

8:06 pm: We hear stories of how autorickshaw driver returns gold left by a passenger in his vehicle. These stories tell how common people are honest. It is only a few people engage in corruption for selfish reasons, he says.

8:05 pm: Corruption and black money are the biggest hindrances in the fight against poverty, he says adding that it is everyone’s responsibility to eradicate poverty.

8:04 pm: Mr. Modi lists out the various schemes launched by NDA government in his address to the nation. He mentions the Jan Dhan Yojana.

8:03 pm: This govt is dedicated to the poor, and will continue to do so, says the Prime Minister who completes two-and-a-half years of rule today.

8:02 pm: India has registered itself as a bright spot, and its not that this is a claim made by us, but by IMF and World Bank

8:01 pm: When we were elected in 2014, there was a discussion that among BRICS nations, the ‘I’ was wobbling, says the PM.

8:00 pm: The Prime Minister’s address to the nation has begun.

Official Press Release:


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Critic Critic
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@Magus wrote:

@raven_kira wrote:

@Magus wrote:



Dear homo sapiens, get ready for a global suicide!

CC @DealSeeker

@Stupendous Man Time for action! We know you can’t save us, at least make us laugh.

Talking about being serious about ‘black money’ what happened to the Pandora’s box that revealed ‘Sri sri sri 10008 Mega-tega-fega star of the millennium Mr. Bachchan and his bahu rani’ whom the ‘Panama papers’ named as account holders. All this tamasha for aam admi only? Very suspiciously even the media didn’t talk about the scandal. Even the ‘torch-bearer and advocate of truth ’Self-justice’ Mr. Arnab(pronounced ORNOB) Goswami was mum about the whole incident. Mr. Bachchan wasn’t first time involved in a ‘ghotala’, he has been proved to grab farmer’s land and as such before but always find a way to escape unscathed, that’s a true hero stunt. But, the Panama papers were huuuuuge(yes bigger than trump) deal because it not only involved black money stashed aboard but also revealed the hawala link Mr. Bachchan pursued to transfer the money.

Critic Critic
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@Stupendous Man wrote:

@Magus wrote:

@raven_kira wrote:

@Magus wrote:



Dear homo sapiens, get ready for a global suicide!

CC @DealSeeker

@Stupendous Man Time for action! We know you can’t save us, at least make us laugh.

Talking about being serious about ‘black money’ what happened to the Pandora’s box that revealed ‘Sri sri sri 10008 Mega-tega-fega star of the millennium Mr. Bachchan and his bahu rani’ whom the ‘Panama papers’ named as account holders. All this tamasha for aam admi only? Very suspiciously even the media didn’t talk about the scandal. Even the ‘torch-bearer and advocate of truth ’Self-justice’ Mr. Arnab(pronounced ORNOB) Goswami was mum about the whole incident. Mr. Bachchan wasn’t first time involved in a ‘ghotala’, he has been proved to grab farmer’s land and as such before but always find a way to escape unscathed, that’s a true hero stunt. But, the Panama papers were huuuuuge(yes bigger than trump) deal because it not only involved black money stashed aboard but also revealed the hawala link Mr. Bachchan pursued to transfer the money.

Haven’t they made him the ambassador of the Incredible India program (replacing Amir)? Justice well served! What more do you want?

Well, Ornob didn’t want to know eventhough the nation did!

And keep in mind, Big B is a farmer. He grows beard, French style.

CC @DealSeeker

Analyst Analyst
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Nice thread. Nice opinions. But my head is spinning.

Anyway, absolutely stupid move!

Civilians that built this government will be crushed by the same government. Quite an irony!

Like a son stabbing his own father… to be a good son.

Critic Critic
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@sidbhai wrote:

Nice thread. Nice opinions. But my head is spinning.

Anyway, absolutely stupid move!

Civilians that built this government will be crushed by the same government. Quite an irony!

Like a son stabbing his own father… to be a good son.

No, like a father stabbing his own son… to punish the corrupt. #Indian

Analyst Analyst
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@Magus – Punishing corrupt is one thing. Causing inconvenience is another.

I have a very extreme opinion about all this. A rich gets richer not because of money. But because of his abilities to generate money. To hustle. To see opportunities even when there are none.

Anyone – from MLAs to celebrities – made it big because they wanted it that way. That doesn’t make them bad. It just makes them rich in comparison to others.

Being rich is good. Anyone saying otherwise is just lying to themselves.

And if the government doesn’t want its people to get rich, to hoard money, and invest in improving themselves, then why introduce money at all?

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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no its not a stupid move

there is only one change that all my 500, 1000 will be converted into Hundred or 2000 rs notes

i dont have a issue in that unless india really can fight corruption with this

but if i go for exchanging / depositing these notes and if i face any problem den i will do some stupid things at that venue XD XD

@sidbhai wrote:

Nice thread. Nice opinions. But my head is spinning.

Anyway, absolutely stupid move!

Civilians that built this government will be crushed by the same government. Quite an irony!

Like a son stabbing his own father… to be a good son.

Blogger Blogger
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@thelion wrote:

I don’t have the time to go through the entire thread, but here is my take on the issue
1. It’s not seriously going to impact the black money as most of it is stored in foreign banks
2. It may temporarily counter the circulation of counterfeit currency till Pakistan starts printing new counterfeit currency again
3. 500 and 1000 notes constitute 85% of currency in circulation, so expect big inconvenience to common man and petty traders

4. Most of the local black money is not permanently kept under the bed but in benami properties and accounts and such people know how to manage it

5. Impact on forthcoming assembly elections is not clear but expect a lesser spending by non BJP parties, as of now

1. black money not always mean swiss money , if black money is mostly as swiss money , then how we read news daily of some peon / constables / clerks found with hundred of crores rs money .
bringing of swiss money needs support of swiss govt , but this one is in our control . so this is not any protocol which says first bring swiss money then expose black money inside india .

2. everytime it is not easy to copy all the security features , if that would be the case then pakis would copy and print dollars note instead of indian rupee . in the old note every 4-5 years only little bit changes were imposed but this time complete layout and features changed .

3. yes 14 lacs crore rs are of these 2 notes , but not all this money with each n every common man , and also if on avg we find a common man dont have more than lacs in cash (until there is any big function) . he either have F.D or investment in any other fixed asset or liquid asset , why a normal honest man would keep even lacs of rupees at home . in digital time we have banks deposit all the money there or buy shares or deposit as FD .

4. may be you donno in last 2 years real estate is at lower level of 20 years , atleast in delhi type metro cities bcoz of only black money thing its rate were hyped . now expect this issue too be overcome in end of 2017- mid of 2018 . you cant expect any mode in priority . rest i said that many ppl have money in cash in form of black money , bcoz hiding benami property is more difficult than hiding cash and every person dont have guts and so strong network (relation with top official of indian banks or popular experienced leader) to make deposit in swiss bank .

5. no comment on political parties . but yes now hawala racket and ISI funded leader will be clashed .

and this decision is to be taken on advice of experts and i strongly believe those are experts so must be they know more than those who opposing it by saying it cant evade corruption . bcoz this decision is painful and need guts bcoz people will blame ruling govt only if it fails , so no party want to make image bad with such bold steps . rather than announcing it failure we should wait . bcoz if such advices were entertained LPG (direct bank transfer) would be only dream and corruption would be at same level . this was just a example of similar situation where every people need to run LPG branch and bank to link Aadhar cards and waited for hours .




BTW reading few comments of people ,
can any of you tell me – all you guys can make a line and stand there for hours just for a free JIO sim , but for this thing (suppose even it would do only evade corruption 10%) you are behaving like in a task you are asked to donate your something close to heart by Bigg Boss .
then on FB and twitter same guys writes full books on morality and satire posts . seriously i think there should be 1 year compulsory army job (in amny nations it happens) for every indian to feel how we should work for our nation .

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@goss8877 wrote:

Bold Move

Hope it wont get reversed


Ban Darkha Butt

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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@Noah wrote:

@raghupro wrote:


5. NGC – Nano GPS Chip. Each and every Rs. 2000 note being pushed out will have a NGC that needs no power. They can emit their location when the satellite pings for it so each and every note can be tracked globally. A simple use case, imagine someone trying to stash in 1000 or more of Rs. 2000 notes, the government seems to have implemented a system where if a bunch of location signals are pushed out from a single place for a long period they assume that something is fishy and a notification is sent to IT department about it to go on a raid. (Source:

End of the day it’s all about reducing usage of paper money so that more accountability is ensured.

Still skeptical about NGC thing

Hi, Long time No see

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Surley Fake money will stopped and black money also stopped by 25% welcome move

stories regarding Rs 2000 currency notes, a new theory started being shared across social media: The new notes are loaded with nano-GPS chips (NGC) which will enable the Govt. to easily track these notes, hence controlling black money transactions.

As per the rumors, NGC chips are actually ‘signal-reflectors’ which would help satellites to track the location of the notes – even if they are ‘120 meters’ below ground level. The logic is that, the satellites will track heavy accumulation of such NGC enabled notes, and will take immediate action to track and seize such money (assuming they are black money)

Fact Check: This theory cannot be put aside all-together. World’s smallest fully integrated GPS receiver has been developed by OriginGPS Nano Spider, which measures 4×4×2.1mm. Comparably, this device is smaller than a pencil lead, and can open a new avenue …

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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I have one doubt 2000 rs how can we get change in a small Shop we can purchase only for 200 to 300… Big demand on 500 rs

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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I have one doubt 2000 rs how can we get change in a small Shop we can purchase only for 200 to 300… Big demand on 500 rs

If you withdraw 3k, you might get 1 2k,1 500 and 5 100 Then it would be difficult to use that 2000.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@saymyname wrote:


I have one doubt 2000 rs how can we get change in a small Shop we can purchase only for 200 to 300… Big demand on 500 rs

If you withdraw 3k, you might get 1 2k,1 500 and 5 100 Then it would be difficult to use that 2000.

Yes very true……..

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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i as a banker will be hectic to handle public bringing 500 and 1000 currency notes

Entertainer Entertainer
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@sidbhai wrote:

But my head is spinning

Same here. Ek toh waise hi neend nahin aati mujhe, oopar se udd aur gayi

Entertainer Entertainer
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@rc100 wrote:

i as a banker will be hectic to handle public bringing 500 and 1000 currency notes

Note ginte waqt paani/thook (saliva) ki jagah Move use karna

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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@rc100 wrote:

i as a banker will be hectic to handle public bringing 500 and 1000 currency notes

Yesterday emergency meeting @ bank manager in many places so try to manage guys ….

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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All Good n Great decisions should be taken and implemented suddenly
Hope got the catch

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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They might have known this already at least much before than public..
But, still it’s shocking news for many and Great Great initiative by our dearest PM.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Very good judgment.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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Very bold move indeed. We all share/forward black money msgs on fb and whatsapp. But when it comes to reality, most people don’t want to help the government. Whether this move eliminates 1% or 100% corruption, there should be a first step towards that goal, right?

And don’t forget about fake currency in our country. This is more dangerous than the black money right now. So it is a big blow to terrorists, who are silently operating and vaporizing our rupee value with fake currency.

Forwarding whatsapp msgs won’t help eliminating black money. Steps like these will help.

Deal Newbie Deal Newbie
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Very very good step

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Good move. It’ll surely help india in the long run. How much is anyone’s guess though.

Only problem is the implementation. I am so stunned i cant even laugh at the responses by modi, his govt and so called financial experts saying it’ll bring a minor convenience to the common man and they should stop complaining and just go with it.



Mark my words. People are literally going to die because of this. Whether we get to know about them via media and news or modi ends up buying/forcing them to not report on this. This needed to be implemented better. Atleast a few weeks warning if nothing else. By making over 80% of cash in the country illegal in an instant, they have created a situation of chaos and confusion which is going to hurt each and every single person in the country. Except of course the corrupt officails of modi’s own govt.

Deal's Advocate Deal's Advocate
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@Beinghuman wrote:

Crap and Useless step by Govt, Pathetic. Why troubling common man… Go and bring black money from Swiss bank

You seem to be a frog of well.. Think globally… Hopefully you have realised by now how much you was wrong my friend in your statement. Only black money ppl, and terrorist should worry.. They are hiding among common people.. That’s why this little trouble is needed.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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सर्व विवाहित पुरुषांना पंतप्रधान मोदींकडून दिवाळी बोनस जाहीर….

500-1000 💵💴रू च्या नोटा बंद….

नवर्‍याच्या खिशातून चोरून लपवलेला माल आता बायका नवर्‍याला परत करणार….

😃नवरे जोमात….
😰बायका कोमात…..


Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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आज रात…

जिस घर की लाइट जलती हुइ दिखे…

समझलो नोटो की गिनति चल रही हैं…!

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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Dont worry my friends I will accept all your Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 notes without asking any questions Rs.12 Per Kg

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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@nsinghal wrote:

Good move. It’ll surely help india in the long run. How much is anyone’s guess though.

Only problem is the implementation. I am so stunned i cant even laugh at the responses by modi, his govt and so called financial experts saying it’ll bring a minor convenience to the common man and they should stop complaining and just go with it.



Mark my words. People are literally going to die because of this. Whether we get to know about them via media and news or modi ends up buying/forcing them to not report on this. This needed to be implemented better. Atleast a few weeks warning if nothing else. By making over 80% of cash in the country illegal in an instant, they have created a situation of chaos and confusion which is going to hurt each and every single person in the country. Except of course the corrupt officails of modi’s own govt.

If they had done this, probably this whole idea of banning notes would turn out to be useless for the most part
And these notes are acceptable at hospitals
I hope Government will come up with something for those people living in remote areas, this is the only thing thats concerning me.

Deal Subedar Deal Subedar
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To those who praise this decision, are you aware that the value of your house, and other real estate properties by at least 40% overnight?

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