by No8 on 12 October 2020WORST, CHEATING, LYING, FOOLING, FRAUD And FAKE reliancesmart, Mumbai Central and punjab sind foods India pvt ltd. These reliancesmart people are so SHAMELESS NUTS and MORON always tries to FOOL the customers by keeping ADULTERATED, DIRTY, ROTTEN, DISGUSTING and STALE dairy food products in their stores and PROVOKE AND INSTIGATE some CHEAP, CHEATERS, LIARS AND FOOLS like ADULTERATER punjab sind foods India pvt ltd. to send the DIRTY, STALE, ROTTEN, DISGUSTING and DIRTY dairy food produ... view more0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
by androgame on 08 January 2019Reliance fresh is the best to buy fresh fruits and vegetables Main reason behind this is that they have their own procurement centers and farms where these things are grown Also many times the prices are much lesser than the market price The billing is highly automated and shopping is made alot faster !!! view more100.0% of 1 people found the following review helpful.
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