How much do you understand your world?
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Hello, Revelation

Tech Guru
Refer to the previous topic:

Hello,  guys. I know  people have been scratching their heads about the  deleted topic " Hello world.... Hello friend"

It is not a one thing but many things, something with multiple purposes and multiple outcomes and at multiple stages.

First, congratulations participants of the original ( deleted thread) you have been rewarded for you participation after special consideration. Check your DM.

@ ???? @
@saucap @kartikxxx @vin_vin @baludesi

Second  My personal special thanks to: @Garyhost @offersfan36 
Be curious, stay curious.
Check your DMs too you have received a pleasant surprise.

There is a story behind creation of this "Thing" ( for lack of better word)  by me and some of friends ( the word friend applies loosely here)  that's a complicated  long story in itself.

I don't know how much of that I can or should share. I don't know how much I can explain about this "thing" especially the parts which are NOT my brainchild.

Inception of this project happened inspired by the story... Premise of  an old movie  "Exam" (2009-2010). Where there's a blank question paper, lots of rules and a timer ticking away. And you have to answer a unknown question. You can check that out.

So what is the "thing"?

• This is an unconventional Poll, Fill in the blank "Hello_____"
It's just for fun atleast that's what it is meant to perceived as first.

• This is a ( Psycho Cognitive)  Test.

• This is a Puzzle. ( Think of escape room meets treasure hunt meets dungeons and dragons)

•  This a Game Which reveals information/Art/stories ( from each option) which reveals a larger story when it is combined and compiled the right way.

• This is a Device that can generate seemingly random but fixed range of values.  A Coin toss almost always produces binary results. This on the other hand.... Limitless.

• And last but not the least this is a contest where everyone can win.

Maybe even more.

This 'thing' was started because we ( me & friends) We were pondering upon some questions.

1) So  What would a real person (might) do when they are presented with  a situation with no particular rules, objective or rewards or risk. where possible choices (options)  are  seemingly non-existent, random and nonsensical (at first glance) ?

2) What could this situation make  them feel (the topic) irrespective of their action or choices ?
Their first  thought ( comments and emoji reaction to others comment)

3) Can we extrapolate information about some of their cognitive and behavioral attributes through this test? ( Like curiously,tenacity)

4) Based on this ( Barely Scientific) test can we get a crude estimation of  some aspects of society the participants belong to? (Of course only If there are enough participants )

5) Can this short experience has long-term effect on participants cognitive abilities? (Not implemented in this version of test)

6) People can be motivated by  common external motivators ( money,fame, etc). What if their external motivators come after they reveal their unbiased internal motivations  ( kindness,curiosity, willingness to participate just for fun etc.).
How would that effect others  participants?


Few rules that I can reveal about this "Thing"

1) The game starts When someone
"Admits & inquires"

When someone Admits they don't understand it and ask the op Directly to explain the post in clear and concise manner in a single comment. Language variations are acceptable.

2) Then I  (op) can can reveal little bit of information about the "thing" after the game starts to help people participate.

3) Most options are something  humans have created and are very popular. They all have a interesting story behind them

"Hello,world!"  Code every programmer learns to display this sentence at the beginning of their coding leading.

Hello, friend! A worm (computer email virus)  called Gurong A which sent email subject "Hello Friend" to everyone and it's also a title of a popular TV series episode.

All the options are related to pop culture or something popular among particular group of people ( Coders, Movie buffs etc.)   They have a clear meaning and story ( just google it and think) though not all are easy to find ....

except last two options. They are Different differently.

Last option was created me.

4) There are total 9 options. 8 visible.

5) If the reaches game reaches 4th stage or  beyond each participant become eligible for their minimum participation reward or more (₹50+ upto ₹100 in final stage upto 100 participants)  and ones who completed the each stage first becomes eligible for their Victory Rewards (₹1293 each)

Participants must not know about any rewards until game is completed (All stages) or Game ceases to exist for some reason, until deadline/ expiry date.

6) I (Op) shall not intervene or moderate or participate in comments or DM unless it's absolutely necessary (during the Game is running.)

7) Everyone can get reward only twice. Once for participation and once for successful completion of a stage "Victory".


Thanks to all the extraordinarily talented members of the group, thanks to the co-creators of project "Thing" & financier MG ( he gets to keep some of his money this time stuck_out_tongue )


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Top Comments
Tech Guru Tech Guru
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What a Revelation!
Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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I still didn't get it.

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It was a contest (without announcing it as a contest) that showcased how people think. Also Winners had no idea they would be rewarded.  

something valuable might be hard to obtain even if it seems within reach.

Helpful Helpful
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It was a contest (without announcing it as a contest) that showcased how people think. Also Winners had no idea they would be rewarded.  

something valuable might be hard to obtain even if it seems within reach.

Generous Generous
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Oh thanks for explaining! I didn't understand what it was 😅

Congratulations to the winners

17 Dimers
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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North pole has few invisible coatings.

Don't try to scratch or peel them. You would be wasting your time.

How many Coats are there ? Why?

Think like a painter, a writer,a poet, a philosopher even a printer.



North Pole

North =
meaning above 🔝

Pole = Poll ( Homonyms)

Pointing to above poll in this topic. Coatings/Coates = Quoting/ Quotes (Homonyms)


images-2023-11-09T170316.789 666 = ‘‘‘ ( Triple opening quotation marks)

999 = ’’’ ( Triple closing quotation marks)

So the answer is 3 quotes (  quote marks)

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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North Pole

North =
meaning above 🔝

Pole = Poll ( Homonyms)

Pointing to above poll in this topic. Coatings/Coates = Quoting/ Quotes (Homonyms)

666 = ‘‘‘ ( Triple opening quotation marks)

999 = ’’’ ( Triple closing quotation marks)

So the answer is 3 quotes (  quote marks)

Analyst Analyst
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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@ decideaim aka @Neversaynever and @Gulag-Survivor check your DM few hours later. You may find some pleasant surprise(s)
Benevolent Benevolent
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Benevolent Benevolent
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Northern Lights ? It's beautiful,colorful and a rare phenomenon.A treasure to behold.Color printer can print colorful text and images.

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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North pole has few invisible coatings.

Don't try to scratch or peel them. You would be wasting your time.

How many Coats are there ? Why?

Think like a painter, a writer,a poet, a philosopher even a printer.
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Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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thanks to a tal fun for this

Generous Generous
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Kaun sa answer right hai.. usko hi tick karenge..another 30 min..  🤷 no_mouth

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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How  would I know
What's short
What's Long,
What's weak
What's strong,
What's Right
What's Left,
When I face you
Is my right is just
Your left?
And my left is just
your Right?
Is my wrong is just
Your Right?

When nothing's Real to anchor,
Only feelings are there to compare,
Everything is there to be conquered,
I'm left with my thoughts of despair,
My thoughts of great wonder,
Surrounded by some sombre.

----- Yours Truly
Tech Guru Tech Guru
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666 -> Number of the beast

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999 ->

In numerology, the number 999 is often seen as a sign of completion, closure, and transformation. It's considered to be a symbol of endings and new beginnings. Some interpret it as a message that a phase of your life is coming to an end, and you should prepare for a fresh start or new opportunities.

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Benevolent Benevolent
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Comment No Longer Exist
Deal Captain Deal Captain
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We have only one hero, forget all others, nobody matters but  dhadiwaala smile

Generous Generous
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Even though this is a slightly different contest/post and is hard to understand, there's really no need for others to downvote this with stupid reasons like this 


Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Maybe DD should add few  more reason for down voting  stuck_out_tongue

"Not useful to me personally"

"It's  too Different"

"I don't Like it"

"I'm jealous"

and last but not the least

"It made me feel stupid"
Commentator Commentator
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What's use of this post ?

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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@chunnumunnuannu @MSDfan check the Refer previous topic link. Then comback back here
Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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I still didn't get it.

Cool Cool
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You are not alone my friend

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Analyst Analyst
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Heppy Jenumdyn @total_fun bru-u beers beers

Helpful Helpful
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This is one of the best contest in DD history.

It was Total_Fun 😝...

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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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Now thay you have told abt prize and contest, expect so many entries

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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@Garyhost Those two words are

stuck_out_tongue stuck_out_tongue stuck_out_tongue

"same" and "different" 
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................ Just missed.


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Talk-Of-The-Town Talk-Of-The-Town
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Received 53 Amazon voucher.

Thanks for sharing yum

First time won something kissing_heart

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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You were the only one who actually admitted that you don't understand asked about the topic. Everyone else just assumed something. Though later you dismissed all of that as. Nonsense too
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Entertainer Entertainer
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Very nice contest 👍🏻👍🏻

Thank you for the voucher 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Tech Guru Tech Guru
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You have heard of secret Superstar have you ever heard of Secret invisible Contest? stuck_out_tongue 
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Pro DealBaba Pro DealBaba
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Tech Guru Tech Guru
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What a Revelation!
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