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People are re-selling Yebhi's junk including Flippers on eBay

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Hi Dimers

It just came to my notice that a smarta$$ is re-selling Yebhi’s goods including Flippers@199 on eBay.

Member id jitenxh8

Seller’s items:

Poor customers are paying more for crappy stuff.

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1 more …..

bb voucher worth of 1000rs. selling at 1000rs. ( till yesterday she was selling it @ 970 , now price hike )

( & if u search carefully she bought same voucher from this link @ 850rs. on 10th dec. !!!!! )

& d guy who was selling @ 850 rs. , must be bought from sulekha !!!!!!!

& d effect of recent loot on sulekha is that now they r asking cell no. on each order , so just by deleting cookies u can’t order multiple orders !!!!!!

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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even i have seen sites that avoids google indexing so generally desidime has to remove themselves from google indexing…but then how do they earn money thru ads?

all admin can do is try cleaning up the newbies on the forum…
or ask everyone to register again and only those with 100+ GENUINE and REASONABLE posts will be allowed have ‘write access’ to Hot Deals section.

Till that time all have to utilize their 100 posts in the other sections by giving useful comments and not just a smiley, or a thanks etc.

Hope this helps the admin to keep the site clean!

by the way – this kind of scenario happens in all the forums I have been!!!

Super Moderator Super Moderator
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With scale (DD becoming popular) all these things crop up. Anyway the rule of arbitrage itself works in a “broad top and narrow end” funnel logic. As more players enter to find nickels the opportunity size shrinks. Same is the case here too. Many hawks and few preys to feast upon.

People are registering here nowadays only to get coupons (like in FB deal, HS18 deal etc.), few to dupe fellow dimers too. Or they join as this is a breeding ground for resellers / self promotion with whatever few deals that come by.

Difficult to maintain quality with increasing quantity (more registrations) I feel. Even moderation requires a lot of efforts and money power. So can’t expect Admin and team to dedicate their time only to this.

Deal Lieutenant Deal Lieutenant
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DD is ranked 442 in India…om

This is huge, and people will take advantage of our efforts by reselling stuff. I won’t say that they are fooling people, its the same as researching and buying the right products from China and selling it in India.

Would you say its wrong or morally/ ethically incorrect to buy stuff from www.lightintheb…om and sell it for profit on ebay India?

Mobile Guru Mobile Guru
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Wow… i missed this thread altogether…

Very enlightening thread with so many views and opinions.

IMHO: The only way to reduce avarice of people is to initiate an awareness among major e-commerce portals. The idea being to LIMIT the maximum no of purchases/user in a promotion. I know people will try to create new id’s and still thrive, but atleast it’ll make it hard for them. And if e-commerce websites take their promotion seriously (point being reaching max customers and not sales), they can even filter out the multiple purchases (defined limit) by tracking shipping address in their systems. It’ll make it more difficult for the greedy people like the one posted.

The bottom line of all this is being in the interest of PROMOTION as its defined, reaching customers and not resellers. I know some websites do this filtering like max.1 order etc. That is how it should be. As far as the individual website can afford to offer the promotion (say 1 or 5 units/user), depends on the website.

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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®/\/\Z wrote:@

kage01 wrote:

msdeiant9621 wrote:

The same people who are worried about genuine customers themselves made multiple a/cs and orders for these slippers, in every such thread here almost all here try to order as much as they can , what you do with it afterwards whether you sell or give way or keep it for yourself doesnt mean anything , none of us are real genuine customers, that all i have to say.

The same people you are referring to here make contributions to the community before indulging themselves. The rest are here to take advantage of others’ hard work without making any contributions to Desi Dime.

Kage, maybe now that we found each other and know each other pretty good, we should all make an invitation only group on Facebook and share deals amidst ourselves only. I know it is such a menace on DD that deals do not even last a few hours now after being posted.
So what do those merchant websites do about it, they promote their deals only via the sites that are banned by DD,like KG,Upto,Snapdeal etc etc if you have noticed. Coz that way they are at least sure that the promotion would last a little longer. Imagine if every merchant were to catch on with this trend of giving out offers only to the sites that DD has banned themselves. Anyways!

But yeah a hot offer posted on DD has a much quicker expiry date than anticipated.
That’s the reason why sometimes we mustn’t give out and expose the tricks to get the best deals in India, in the open.
I am sure lot’s of tricks do not even get shared on DD for the same reason that we’ll all kill it. Just the few privileged get to know of them.

vow…. dont do that…
ive been avoiding facebook for a while now….(I guess many here will be the same)
why not go with a sms group….

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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msdeiant9621 wrote:

I have never even mentioned you specifically in any of my posts, i dont know why you are so touchy , it is you who told me to read your definition of genuine customer here “revisit my definition of a genuine customer” , as i posted earlier its not only dimes which are the motivation for posting these deals , attention seeking is another reason , This is a website which is visited by tens of thousands of people who are looking for these deals everyday and people are wondering why deals arent lasting long for the “genuine customers” lol .

If you want deals to last long for the “genuine customers” then dont post the deals here

I agree with this part too…
guys restrict to buyin stuff for none more than ur immediate family…even if it is for free

Deal Cadet Deal Cadet
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I doubt it…
mopped my floor yesterday… the floor was a bit wetter than normal…plain water…
slipper stuck to the floor… pulled it up… v strap came out of its hole….
first ever of this kind…..
having said this …these slippers are great to use use indoors….but not for the bathrooms though

Deal Captain Deal Captain
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Lol how they are getting buyers. Aren’t they looking around before buying stuff.
This could be a reason i didn’t receive any coupon for my request. Thinking i could be a re seller. Darn ! these people. From yebhi i just bought 1 flipper and from SD i recharged and received stuff.

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